Gangrel meaning and definition

Gangrel meaning

'Gangrel' is an archaic word derived from northern British dialect. Roughly, it means "wild" or "feral". In modern popular usage, the word is the name of one of the vampire clans in the White Wolf roleplaying game "Vampire: The Masquerade" (later "Vampire: Requiem"). True to the word's original meaning, within White Wolf's 'World of Darkness' game environment, the Clan Gangrel are usually loners, preferring to spend their time in rural areas or otherwise away from 'civilisation'.

Gangrel meaning

Of all vampires, the Gangrel are perhaps closest to their inner nature. These nomadic loners spurn the constraints of society, preferring the comfort of the wilderness. How they avoid the wrath of the werewolves is unknown; perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Gangrel are themselves shapeshifters. When a mortal speaks of a vampire changing into a wolf or a bat, she is probably speaking of a Gangrel.

Gangrel meaning

Gangrel is another word for a stolen drink, if you steal or minesweep a drink from a club, that drink has now become gangrel. It is also a good word just for alcoholic drinks in general.

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gang related meaning

Being, or looking, so rad that others only naturally assume you must be in some way related to a gang. Originated back in 1830 when an Emily Dickens was born. Most know Miss Dickens from her poetry and books, but back in the day she was known world-wide for being gang related. Today her ancestors live on as, the "Gang Related".

Gangrene Fairy meaning

If you are eating baked potatoes, and you come across a potato with a green spot on it, said potato is therefore, a gangrene fairy. NOTE: the green spot may have a few little brown spots on it.

Gangrene groupie meaning

a person who likes to be a part of a gang or a group and loses his/her own identity thereof

Gangrene Stranger Tug meaning

An anagram for my cats' names that sounds like a rough handy.

gangrenous douchebag meaning

any one of a number of writers and anchors at FoxNews

Gangrenous Frogpenis meaning

The hero of a comic in which a frog with a humble job as a shit scooper at a local vet's, comes in contact with radioactive feces and gets gangrene on his dick. He also gets superpowers such as the ability to mold said phallus into anything from a blunt death club to a functional LAAG antiaircraft gun, just liek the one in Halo, complete with seminal ammunition. But he only has three days with which to use his distorted tool to save the entire world from a messy death by the Concordia people.

gangrenous hole meaning

(n.) a vagina that is infected with some sort of disease (not necessarily gangrene),appears generally unhealthy visually, or is displeasing to one's olfactory sense.

Gang repped meaning

the dawning realisation that two or more people have conspired to either enhance or degrade your 'reputation' status on the ubiquitous vBulletin forum software.

Gangrid meaning

A word used to describe a place which is good to get stoned, smoke weed and generally chill while stoned. Usually somewhere out of the way of passers-bye and a place where it is enclosed, somewhere to sit etc, e.g. under a bridge, in a garage, in someones car, in a forest, in someones room, in a back alley etc.

Gangrilion meaning

It is the the yellow flower part of a dandelion after you have popped "the head" off. It is said that the remaining flower is very angry after having been detached from the stem, so beware.