Garden Penis meaning and definition

Garden Penis meaning

A sneaky, slithering serpent that is known to hide in bushes, specifically in taco bell drive-thrus.

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Garden Pig meaning

a childish term for a wood-louse

garden plain meaning

the most badass town in the world

Garden Porn meaning

Photographs showing off your luscious garden. Much like "Food Porn", where it shows off it's final product on a plate, "Garden Porn" shows off it's luster of fresh vegetables and fruit still in it's growing and utter fresh state.

Garden Princess meaning

On the online "news forum", Garden Princess was one of the most successful threadjack/trolls ever. Though this person was using a brand new account and only posted a grand total of 5 times, they managed to keep the thread full of angry people demanding an argument for hours.

garden road meaning

An older neighborhood development in the city of Poway. Full of slutty chicks that lost their V at 13 and some dusty fools. Gr Thugs roam the streets pimpin' chicks and sappin on the blocks. Also had a tornado cruise through and almost burnt down by the cedar fire. Sick hood'

Garden Road Crew meaning

GRC for short, composed of the three biggest thugs in G.R., Poway, CA. These names are unlisted due to the countlest efforts to keep the heart of G.R. in tact. These three deviants are known to have the most G.R. heart. There have been a few spottings of these three, but no physical descriptions have been able to be captured. Most kids that attend Garden Road Elementary dream to be like the GRC, but nobody but the original three will ever have the heart and soul to apply to the mysterious tripplet. They represent the desired style of most garden roaders, and they roam around G.R. anytime of the day. Some say they are three normal kids who are exceptional students, but others believe in the GRC.

garden rocket meaning

The act of inserting a trowel handle into one's anus while masturbating with the other hand.

garden salad meaning

A mixture of the legal herb k2 and weed, otherwise known as marijuana, in a smoking device.

gardenscape meaning

A landscape that contains lots of greenery, usually located in somewhere urban like an office building or an airport.

Garden School meaning

A small school in Jackson Heights, NY. About 500 people go there from 7th-12th grade. If you tell one person something,everyone knows. The teachers have conferences where they talk about you. At least 10 people know your locker combination. Most of the girls can be found in Mrs. Dorothy's room. Their are bake sales at least every week. No one can make fun of your ethnicity because everyone is different. You can find all the losers in the computer room, all the 7th graders and basketball players in the gym, all the cool kids in the hall way, all the fat kids in 711 jkk you can find everyone in 711, the nerds in extra help, and the other kids in the yardd. Everyone knows each other. Two kids dating with a 5 year age difference is common. Teachers piss you off. Mrs. Zinner and Mrs. Somer will hate you for NO reason. You will eventually plan their deaths :] jkk Mr. Gheurgi will yell at you and tell you, you can't do anything, Mr. Gomis will kick you out for no reason and give you detention. Mr. Hale will have attitude battles with you. Mrs. Elkin will tell you to step off the grass. Mr. Pigman will sing you the you're a little tea pot short and spout song when you put your hand on your hip. Mr. Chung will say "What's wrong with you". Mr. Krecheck will kill you in basketball practice. Mrs. Dapise stores body parts in her desk. Everyone dunks on the baskets. No one knows what's going on, unless they're in student council, because no one listens to morning meeting, and we don't have a speaker system. The guys locker room is the best place to have fun ;]]] && last of all. If you tell someone you go to garden school they will ask you if you learn how to make gardens :PP