meaning and definitionGodiva
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meanings of Godiva
The best damn chocolate company--ever. It may be expensive, but it's the finest quality of chocolate you'll ever taste. I recommend that you savor it for maximum enjoyment.
In Aramaic, the fear of children. Presently the word has evolved to be a class 5 of 5 curse word.F word < G word.p.s. Do not utter this word in public.
While a Snicker Licker prefers the cock of a certain race, the 'Godiva Diver' delights in black vagina.
Named for the legendary English figure Lady Godiva, who supposedly rode on a horse through the city of Coventry whilst completely naked, in an attempt to persuade the local lord, her husband, to give the peasants a tax break. The only thing that covered her modesty was her incredibly long hair (that reached down to at least her thighs).As such, Godiva Hair is any hair in a picture (photo/drawing) that is sufficiently long as to cover the female character's naughty bits. Turns an otherwise straight-up nude pic into a more subtly erotic pic.
godized means that god is a big part of you life
a child-friendly substitute for goddammit.
A robot fortune teller that has the power of god and jesus in him that allows him to tell the future. It can also battle other godjesus robots if the situation arises because it has a mighty cross in its hand.
When you pry your partners mouth open with both hands and cum down their throat.
A phenomenon occurring when the sun shines through a mass of clouds and its beams strike you in such a way that you feel a beautiful mixture of joy and unicorn giggles.
A God Job is when one dies during a sexual experience.
Pathetic little man trying desperately to gain some sort of fame because his real life is very very sad.
Generally specific things that happen in such an ironic way; only a the fucked up god screwing with you could explain it.Basically it shows how no human can escape the laws of casualty/ fate. The joke is even more funny when a person tries to resist fate/prophecy, and quite un-ironically ends up MAKING it happen. For example: The greatest God Joke that has been told since ancient Greek history. The play of Oedipus (you can still wiki it ya know!)Prepare to F your moms, Déjà vu, and let your deams be dreams. Because whatever God/s you believe in is laughing at you. That's even including Kim Jon un. XD I'm willing to bet you lived through a God joke at least once. :P