Grand marshal meaning and definition

Grand marshal meaning

A title in World of Warcraft apparently given to the best players who PvP' 2005. The title has no value whatsoever today.

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Grand Marshall meaning

The grand marshall is the person of honor in a parade.

grand marshalled meaning

drunk!!!! vary vary drunk!

Grand Marshmallow meaning

The greatest and grandest of marshmallows. It is a rare occourance in packets of marshmallows and is likely just lots of marshmallows squashed together. However it does appear the same shape as a regular marshmallows only lots bigger.

grandma salad meaning

five old ladies, or more, sitting in a steam room.

Grandmas Ass Cheeks meaning

Yo grandmas wrinkly, butt whooping, titty ass giving young black children blow jobs for tapioca pudding!

Grandma saucicles meaning

A sauce in which the various disturbing contents are included : Ketsup, hot sauce, chunks of your old bewithered witch of a grandmother, who feeds you candy that has been sitting in her old rickety cupboards that reek of musty old men, for who knows how long. >.>

grandmas brownies meaning

When you are giving you're grandmother anal, often times her prostate gives out and she will shit all over your dick, proceeding her to suck the shit off your dick and calling them grandmas brownies.

grandmas crack meaning

That certain smell in the morning when you wake up at your grandma's house. Usually not understood til the mid teens. Smells almost like coffee and cough medicine, but you know it can only be your grandma lighting up another round of early morning crack. Thus explaining, grandmas dire need to give you candy.

grandma-seizure meaning

To stare off into spaze, and or associated with loss of stabilization and foundation.

Grandma Serving meaning

A serving of food that is at least four times bigger than the suggested serving of what you are eating