g2g meaning and definition

g2g meaning

Got to Go. See gtg

g2g meaning

got to go

g2g meaning

Means got to go, though i don't see why someone can't just type got to go. Damn lazy youth.

g2g meaning

what an asshole online says when you just got to the good part of the conversation. They say g2g and you get PISSED OFF because you don't have anything better to do, and your friend that just said g2g is probably going to wack off or something...

g2g meaning

this means: got to go

g2g meaning

an easy way of getting rid of that boring person on msn instead of making up a lame excuse u just say g2g and then talk 2 your other friends!!!

g2g meaning

(1) "got to go", or (2) "good to go"

Read also:

g2g2 meaning

got to go to (self explanatory), usually followed by a location you must go.

g2g2b meaning

g2gb= got to go to bed g2g

G2G2FB meaning

Got To Go To Fuck Bitches

g2g2w meaning

Gotta get to work; gotta go to work

g2g2zZz meaning

Got to go to sleep.

g2g4g meaning

acronym for "got to go for good", when a simple g2g doesn't do the deal.

g2gbye meaning

Verb: the art of blocking someone with speed and precision on AOL instant messenger, you type g2gbye in the chat box then put your mouse cursor on the block icon and quickly press enter, click, enter, resulting in them seeing "g2gbye" followed immediately by the person signing off

g2g make some client calls meaning

a common excuse used by faggots on the internet who are getting their shit pwnd

g2gofb meaning

Got to get off Facebook

g2gsmitj meaning

Gotta go stab myself in the juggular