Gaasch meaning and definition

Gaasch meaning

A gay. may squeak sometimes but you learn to forgive her for that.

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Gaasebamp meaning

The Gaasebamp is a quantifier of personal or inter-personal drama in terms of anger, sadness, disappointment, and hatred. It is a relative scale, denoted as the "bamp" for short. Its name established from "Goosebumps" in October of 2008 after an awkward conversation with an overseas family member who was far from proficient in English, the Gaasebamp can now be used as a quantifier for negative emotions.Starting from 0 to 1000 Gaasebamps is purely drama, no lives are at immediate risk but people will be angry, sad, or scared to a mild degree.Past 1000 gaasebamps the unit changes to Megabamps, at which point the quantifier (Mb) entails physical injury, and this scale goes from 1000 to 1,000,000 bamps. Under the conditions of severe emotional distress, the Megabamp unit is replaced by the Megabremp unit, which does not entail injury or loss of life, only mental anguish.Past 1 million bamps, lives are being lost; the unit name changes to Gigabamps. This system has many potential implications for studying sociological interactions; news media can use it on live television as a means of conveying a scene's intensity. Theater teachers may require students to emanate a certain number of bamps.

Gaashaan meaning

a Somali Pirate who loves Chicken and Kool-Aid. Huge PRIDE FOR SOMALIA

gaat meaning

Greek slang word for cat

gaatnire meaning

1. Siphoning internet from a gas station convenience store. (Derived from English GAs stATion conveNIence stoRE.) 2. (Gaatniracy) Being involved in the act of, or intent to, siphon internet from a gas station convenience store. 3. (Gaatniration) The act of Gaatniring.

Gaaven meaning

Gaaven is of Scottish ancestry with a rough translation to "White Hawk". Sometimes also translated as "White Knight", "Wild White Hawk", or "Wild White Knight". Sometimes used to characterize acts of exceptional self-sacrifice, valor, and or other act normally associated with knight-like chivalry. Also defined as a medieval sword. A form of Gawain, who was a knight of King Arthur's Round Table. The most amazing guy ever. For so many reasons- intelligent, funny, cute, kind, sweet, upright, everything good. The sexiest guy ever!

gaawwddaaamnit meaning

Gaawwddaamnit! is a word used by women if they accidentally zipp their labia into their low-rise Calvin Kleins. I've only heard it once.

Gaaya meaning

Short for Gaayathri. Gaaya is a super sweet, lovable, kind-hearted girl who will do anything for her friends. She is extremely beautiful, and she isn't afraid to speak her mind. If she doesn't like you, well, let's just say; you'll know. Gaaya is extremely independent unless she's feeling down, then like a normal person, she'll depend on others, but that's life.Gaaya is extremely precious, and she deserves the best out of life, and it's time she realized that.

gaayen meaning


gaazoomaadoo meaning

to go very fast with style

Gaba meaning

Noun -- Any person, group or organization that exploits through a facade of niceties with those harmed cooperating as accessories to their own and others downfall.