Gaba meaning and definition

Gaba meaning

A random spaz covered in hair who looks like a person called Adnan

Gaba meaning

Noun -- Any person, group or organization that exploits through a facade of niceties with those harmed cooperating as accessories to their own and others downfall.

Gaba meaning

1-a perfomance enhancing powder that makeS your body work over time, whether your working out or not, burns fat big time. 2- someone who is very aggressive towards people when things dnt go his way

Gaba meaning

noun ,being gay and being a bastard at the same time.

Gaba meaning

A little "special" boy who can have anything he wishes for. Once he wished that Africa would look like a smiley face and that in the eyes would live a civilization of goat-people. Gaba is always happy and has a very "cute" hair dew. Although he can have anything he wishes for he cannot control what he wishes for because he is a retard.

Gaba meaning

A legend and a superstar and skillful at basketball.

Read also:

gababas meaning

An adorable lesbian or gay couple. The term is really just "gay babies" said in a fast and high pitched voice.

gababyte meaning

The amount of data consumed when taling on a VOIP line.

Gabachillion meaning

An infinite amount

Gabacho meaning

Despective word, in Spain since 1530, to call all the frenchish.

Gabadia meaning

Gabadia is a secret movement of a bunch pussy novas who pretend to play soccer in the evening. It's a well organised structure with a Captain and assistant. Never leave them with your chick otherwise she will end up as "funch".They all love booze & booty.

Gabadumpa meaning

An incantation that Kodai yamaguchi chants when he is angry. It is usually followed by a "Heh, heh, heh!

GABAGE meaning

it means cool -gabage which means jerken which means cool

gabagoo meaning

Term used to describe an unjustified banishment from the Day of defeat forums. Coined after the famous "gabagoo"

gabagool meaning

This is an addition to the previous definition, which is half right. "Gabagool" is slang for "capicola." It is not a mispronunciation, but is instead in Napolitan dialect, which is what the Sopranos and many Italian-Americans use.