gabagoon meaning and definition

gabagoon meaning

An Italian word which is where the word "goon" comes from. Originally used to describe low level gang members, the word has now evolved to encompass all people who suck.

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gabagootz meaning

italian slang for penis.

gabagtee meaning

A gangster ass mom with blonde hair and a red grill that's amazingly beautiful.

gabagul meaning

An extremely Italian meat made popular by the TV show 'The Sopranos'

Gabaha meaning

A combination of Ga (crazy; from Ga in Gaga), ba (making weird noises), and ha (laughing) in one to create a laugh that is known as hard to breathe and can be contagios.Can be pronouced "gabaha" while laughing or used in online conversations.

Gabahoofra meaning

A combination of gumballs and hair stuck on the floor.

gabajabafala meaning

Robin Williams Word, used frequently at NMH.

Gabala meaning

An elderly man who is extremely aggravating and awkward. May be prone to impose old music or movies onto unsuspecting crowds of normal people.

Gabaldon meaning

"Gah-ball-dough-n"-Having several other meanings the most common is Badass.

Gabaldoned meaning

A verb used to dismiss fanfiction. Named in honor of the author, Diana Gabaldon, who blogged about her displeasure with fanfiction writers who “borrowed” her characters.

gabalicious meaning

the act of being so dayyyyyummm irresistable that invader zim wants good cookies from this beast