gagor meaning and definition

gagor meaning

Ga-gor: Acronym. "Get A Grip On Reality." Used to make people get back on the right track when speaking, acting, or thinking.

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Valley girl word to express disgust or disdain for another human being, object, and/or sexual practice.

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When a judge asks lawyers to stay quiet on a case!

GaGorgasm meaning

The act of reaching a sexual high, or orgasm, while listening to Lady GaGa, or anything pertaining to her.

Gagorific meaning

A blending of Gag and terrific. Meaning beyond Nasty.

gagortion meaning

through a freakish coincidence in human genetics your uterus and stomach have intertwined thus enabling you to throw up the life growing inside

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Noun Gagoulash - Bottom hole hair

Gagoyle meaning

One who is a follower of Lady Gaga

gagpole meaning

A "Gagpole" is a penis, a very large black penis that is usually stuck down someones throat, hense the name gagpole

gag princess meaning

A girl who actually enjoys choking on a penis during oral sex.

gag puke choke meaning

What some people say that GPC cigarettes stand for.