meaning and definitionH2T
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meanings of H2T
Head-to-toe modeling, as coined by supermodel Tyra Banks on her show America's Next Top Model. It refers to focusing on all parts of the body while modeling.For more examples of Tyraspeak, see "smize", "tension", and "Ty-over".
h20, water, or the one and only Watters. waterh20personthirstydrink
Abbreviation for "Hell to the No!"
Slang phrase meaning 'Hell To The Yeah' said mainly by teenagers trying to be cool. It also means that they may really want to do something, or they are agreeing with something.
1. An uber-talented multi-player FPS player that normally plays CSS, COD4, HALO 3 consider it an honor if you ever saw H2WHOA on a server 2. A term noobs use when something really amazing or exciting occurs
Water that is past its expiration date.
1. The #3 Hummer (the larger the #, the smaller the size). The H3 is NOT made by AMGeneral of Humvee & H1 fame, but, made by GM under license from AMGeneral (as is the medium sized H2). 2. A HUMMER blowjob that JUST gets you hard, but no where near cumming. You better start fucking ASAP!
The chemical formula for the Homestead City Water, consisting of 2 Hydrogens, 1 Oxygen and 1 Homestygen. Known to be fatal if consumed or if it were to come in contact with the skin, hair, eyes, and virtually any part of the body imaginable. Fatal to all things, living or not.
H3110. Word used in a term of a scooper to say hello.Frequently used in game rooms.
Hebrew. See 'heeb'
An old mongolian term referring to the God of War - eater of human hearts. Thought to be uncontrolably desired by females due to his extraordinary length and girth. A statue was often kept in Mongolian huts to ensure the woman of the home was constantly horny and ready for her man.