Habanero Trumpet meaning and definition

Habanero Trumpet meaning

You eat a large amount of spicy food before sex and during you leave a foul smelling spicy steamer on your lovers chest or face

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Habanky meaning

Cheesy, unorganized, lacking in class, simple, out of date, old fashion

Habano meaning

The painful disease contracted when one gets residue from a spicy pepper (jalapenos, habaneros, and poblanos seem to be most common) into one's eye. Considered by some to be an STD.

habanooten meaning

Habanooten, v: The practice of dipping ones scrotum in boiling habanero oil in order to cleanse your soul of evil spirits. A common ritual at Scientologist orgies after a train has been run on your mother's anus.

habara meaning

Austrian Slang word usually used in the 11th district of Vienna. "Habara" or "Habi" as a friendly greeting to a Friend

Habarch meaning

when a black man has exceptionally white teeth (the opposite of morgan freeman)

habart meaning

A mythical creature of great value to the elder wizards. Once caught it grants one wish and is said to bring great joy. Habart's are sneaking and often disappear like a ninja into the fog.

habaschlaber meaning

A degrating term used for people of a caucasion descent, with the offensive equivelent to white people as nigger is to African-Americans. The word originated when African slave holder would beat their white slaves in Africa. Habaschlaba and habaschlabro are slang terms for habaschlaber. It is alright for other white people to call each other habaschlabers, but it is absolutely not acceptable if people of African-American descent to say the word, because it is not acceptable for white people to say nigger.

Habash meaning

A cool kid who says fuck after every word.

Habasha meaning

A person that is or is from East-Africa. These countries include Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Dijbouti but habashas are mostly known as Eritreans and Ethiopians.

habashwe meaning

Fuck it!