meaning and definitionh2orowish
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meanings of h2orowish
Particularly corny, and with the slightest dash of melodramatic nerd.
Verb: 1. Dancing eroticly in the club with another dudes bitch, doing various exercises such as grabbing ass, feeling tits, and touching box.
A clear alcoholic liquor inside a water bottle to disguise it's true contents. (Usually filled with vodka)
Acronym- Have to pee/Have to poo Commonly used in type based chat when a patron must leave to use the restroom.
The chemical name of sulphuric acid. Drinking can cause 3rd degree burns to the throat and other internal organs.
Head-to-toe modeling, as coined by supermodel Tyra Banks on her show America's Next Top Model. It refers to focusing on all parts of the body while modeling.For more examples of Tyraspeak, see "smize", "tension", and "Ty-over".
h20, water, or the one and only Watters. waterh20personthirstydrink
Abbreviation for "Hell to the No!"
Slang phrase meaning 'Hell To The Yeah' said mainly by teenagers trying to be cool. It also means that they may really want to do something, or they are agreeing with something.
1. An uber-talented multi-player FPS player that normally plays CSS, COD4, HALO 3 consider it an honor if you ever saw H2WHOA on a server 2. A term noobs use when something really amazing or exciting occurs
Water that is past its expiration date.