h3110 meaning and definition

h3110 meaning

H3110. Word used in a term of a scooper to say hello.Frequently used in game rooms.

Read also:

h33b meaning

Hebrew. See 'heeb'

h33bi meaning

An old mongolian term referring to the God of War - eater of human hearts. Thought to be uncontrolably desired by females due to his extraordinary length and girth. A statue was often kept in Mongolian huts to ensure the woman of the home was constantly horny and ready for her man.

h33r meaning

Leet-speak for "Here"

h33t meaning

The defination on the word "h33t" is a comon slang on the (World Wide Web) for "heat". Often used in computer related text/language.Some noobs also use it as a slang for the word "sweet" or "awsome" but it's not corect.h33t it also the name of a big bitorrent tracker on the internett.

h33t tea meaning

h33t tea is mcdonalds sweet tea. 'sweet' is replaced by h33t to describe how awesome the sweet tea is. cuz its fuckin heat and unsweetend tea can get bent

H3 45 meaning

the amount of days of halo 3 that someone has, which is quite a lot, adding up to about 1080 hours of halo 3 in one year

h347 14x0r meaning

Derived from the term 1337 h4x0r and is used to define one as cool. Lacking in heat or cool.

h347 p4x0r meaning

"1337" or leet for heat packer....in other words one who is strong and can pack heat

h34n meaning

better than l33t but not 1337 h34n...goat bastid

h34t meaning

The '1337' word for 'heat'.