h3kuow meaning and definition

h3kuow meaning

the word monkey...upside down and backwards. only used online

Read also:

h3n7a1 meaning

"1337" speak for hentai or anime pornography.

H3O meaning

H3O1. Even wetter water2. The hydronium ion Produced when water acquires a proton (aka a hydrogen ion)

H3WM meaning

Halo 3 Wheel Mena website/community that i loves driving and gunning in the warthog of halo 3

H3X meaning

h3x likes dick gob

h3yl0z meaning

another word to say hello or hey.

H3ylo meaning

Alternate spelling for Halo 3, based on the phonetically correct Hey+lo. The 3 is meant to be an alphanumeric replacement for E, pronounced as 'a', and references that the game is the third iteration in the series.

H-4 meaning

The new Jeep Commander.

H44 meaning

A new group of hackers tearing up the 'net. They are grey hats but if you get up on their bad side they will tear you up. We do not have morals and we dont care if your grandma just died.

h473 meaning

hate it's horrible, u should never use it. u outta say dislike heavyly of sumthing like that

h473r meaning

1. A person who doesn't like you. 2. Someone who talks about you. 3. Someone who dislikes you very greatly. 4. A person who h473$ you.