haaaay meaning and definition

haaaay meaning

The standard greeting for basic bitches.

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Haaaber meaning

(N): A cocky bastard who peaks athletically at the age of thirteen, then becomes a non-factor in his athletic career in just about any sport. Haber's are tall, with a fo-hawk hairstyle. They have fairly deep voices, and try to talk intelligent when really they don't know what the hell they're talking about.

haaaiii meaning

The retarded way to say hello

Haaaiiiiiiiiiii meaning

The way cool kids say hello.

haaan meaning

An add on to the end of an interesting statement. Doesn't have a real meaning, but it is closely related to the word 'yay'.May sound like you're saying the word 'hang'.

haaat meaning

an adjective used to describe an attractive woman. A play on the word "hot" pronounced with a long "a" like in the words apple, bat, alto, etc. hold the "aaa" out long and change pitches from low to high

HAAB meaning

High As A Bitch

haabip meaning

A word to describe the wetness of one's jumpshot. Also, used to talk shit when playing basketball.

Haack meaning

A complete loser who generally plays in his/her high school band and sits at home when not busy doing homework or practicing BLOWING into their instrument, by playing video games all day.

HAAD meaning

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haadcore gangstaah meaning

Noun. Pronounced Haad-core Gang-staah: Kids from the Augusta area in Maine that wanna be the biggest rapper ever. Even bigger than Biggie.