Haagam meaning and definition

Haagam meaning

Can be used in any form. Greeting, parting, or by itself showing excitement, HAAGAM! (Hag - um)

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Haagar meaning

From the ancient Mongul language meaning shit, crap, garbage,or ditch weed. Ref. Conan the Barbarian and Subatai

haagen meaning

a crazy bitch boy that has obsessive stalker compulsive behavior. the haaganese were a species of blue haired freaks that wore loincloths and lived in jamaica. or something.

Haagen all the Dazs meaning

The act of unfairly monopolizing an activity, especially a rotation-based periodically individual activity such as eating ice cream.

Häagen Dasz meaning

1. n. - the act of eating ice cream out of a woman's vagina or anus. v.: to Häagen Dasz syn.: Ben & Jerry's (homo)

Haagen Daze meaning

State of consciousness achieved at a crucial point during the consumption of a pint of ice cream in which the eater is unable to stop himself from consuming the rest of the pint. See also Escoop Velocity.

Haagen dazed meaning

eating tubs of random haagen dazs ice cream all night long and become an ice cream zombie the next morn.

haagen dazs meaning

Kick ass ice cream of all time. Made with real ingredients but expensive as hell.

Häagen-Dazs thighs meaning

A cosmetic condition that has the ghastly symptom of producing thighs that have expanded to an obese and plump size from to much dairy fat. This is a precurser to the sever cosmetic condition of cottage cheese thighs.

Häagen-Dizaster meaning

Describes an unplanned catastrophy whereby you are asked to hold a tub of luxury ice-cream (any flavour) whilst receiving a mind-blowing pleasuring of the oral variety.......once regaining consciousness, you realise you are lying in pool of "gelato"....and it aint man-goo!!!!No...it's a fcuking Häagen-Dizaster!!!

haagensen meaning

when you have an all guys sleep over and everyone wakes up without clothes on.