I am lost meaning and definition

I am lost meaning

To watch TV series LOST.

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I am love meaning

homophobes hate it when you post this on their user profile/facebook/etc.(alt+3 to make a heart, use the 3 on the numpad)

I am Mac meaning

Admitting one's stupidity.

I am mother fucking Switzerland meaning

Switzerland is a neutral country. So when your friends get in an argument and you don't want to take sides you yell "I am Switzerland. "

I am Motivated meaning

When a couple doesn't like to use the word horny, they say they are motivated towards one another.

iammuffinmuggers meaning

when someone slams a muffin on their face and posts it on facebook

iamnephilim meaning

Some douchebag on the isohunt forums that takes his mod powers way too far. Full of himself. Essentially shuts down any dissenters with whom he disagrees.

I am not a bear meaning

I am not a bear is a poet, artist, literature critic, and post-rock genre fanatic. Known poems include "Your Initials Sound Like a Disease," "Spinach," "This One's For Me," and "Alto 23." An air of mystery surrounds I am not a bear. It's not even known if this figure is male or female.

i am not an igloo meaning

A phrase attacking a situation in which the opposite person talking is either talking over you or is extremely loud.

i am not a plastic bag meaning

pretentious eco shopping bag that's meant for shallow scenesters who wish to publicly flout their trendy 'green' credentials in a hypocritical, peacockish manner. Expect them to be quietly discarded when they are no longer considered 'cool'.

I am not a witch meaning

Christine O'Donnell's claim to the general public.