IACS meaning and definition

IACS meaning

a public charter school that spans from 5th grade to the current highest class of 11th grade. a school with awkwardly young teachers, too much homework, and the kind of lockers you find at a bowling alley. sports teams that are not recognizable by a division, and full of wacky students who skip, frolic and step pop pop down the halls while singing kinky songs....

IACS meaning

Indonesian Airborne CalvaryWhen Indonesia is under attack, they send in their special forces, horses flying out of planes.Nuff said.

IACS meaning

An abriviation for "I Am Cute." A term used by net-junkies or as a T-shirt logo for the web comic "Megatokyo." Generally used by cute, peppy girls who also fancy sayings such as "Too cute to be yours," "Somethin' Sweet" and "Cutie Pie."

Read also:

iacu meaning

I am Cracking Up

Iaculch meaning

A Clueless Moron. Someone who doesnt have a clue, to not understand, a kid with a temper

IADBL meaning

I am dying by laughter

iAddict meaning

That one guy who is glued to his phone, at the gym, when his wife is in labor, his son's wedding, and his death bed

iAddicted meaning

Addicted to your smartohone or iDevice. Always checking or updating your facebook or twitter accounts from you iPhone, Ipod or droid.

iadds meaning

I Aint Dat Dam Stupid

iadl meaning

"iadl" stands for "i almost died laughing" is just another synonym or a phrase same as the phrase "lol".

IADMTOMP meaning

I Accidentally Dropped My Taco On My Poncho

i adore you meaning

Miley cyrus's way of saying im desprate for a boyfriend, i need u!

IADRTM meaning

Text shorthand to announce to someone that "I am definitely ready to meet/meetup."