meaning and definitionIAGTYP
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meanings of IAGTYP
A response to something dumb someone has done. Literally meaning It's A Good Thing You're Pretty. Commonly synonymous with TGYP.
In A Gay Way
IAGYB - I Ain't Got Yo Back
a better way of saying "to be honest", basically its "in all honesty"
When someone is going on about something no one cares about you can say "I asked" in a British accent, signifying that no one cares what their talking about and they should just shut up.
Acronym for "I also had to consult the Urban Dictionary."
I appreciate it
Iaido is the art of reacting to a surprise attack by counter attacking with a sword. An in-depth reading of the Japanese characters for iaido is: I = being, AI = harmony, DO = way. "The way of harmonizing oneself in action." The Iaidoka (a practitioner of iaido) wields a sword: not to control the opponent, but to control himself. Iaido is mostly performed solo as a series of Waza. The Iaidoka executes various techniques against single or multiple imaginary opponents. Each Waza begins and ends with the sword sheathed. In addition to sword technique, practitioners require imagination and concentration in order to maintain the feeling of a real fight and to keep the Kata fresh. In order to properly perform the waza, Iaidoka also learn posture and movement, grip, and swing. Iaido is never practiced in a free-sparring manner.
A disease where 'basic bitches' think that Apple products are master race, but they really just have no idea about technology.
Acronym for "I'm afraid I must now kill myself for real." Used mostly in times of depression or in disgrace of an epic fail. A self-GTFO of sorts.
1) A sister from another mister. 2) One of the best people I know. 3) A little bit of a hottie :) 4) my snuckles buddy 5) mr happy