IAA meaning and definition

IAA meaning

I.A.A - I Am Amused. This acronym allows people to show their amusement via text in three letters with out saying LOL(laugh out loud) as they are generally lying when they say this.

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I am a database engineerCoined by Liz Howard in an essay on handling gay marriage in databases

IAAFS meaning

Internet Acronyms Are Fucking Stupid

iaal meaning

I Am Actually Laughing. A strict acronym only to be used when actually laughing out loud, unlike lol.

IAALBNYL meaning

I Am A Lawyer But Not Your Lawyer.

IAALOL meaning

"I am actually laughing out loud"Only to be used in the actual event.....unlike the complete over use of lol, which is now pronounced as a word which is treason.

IAAMM meaning

Acronym for In And Around My Mouth. It is used to describe, usually by a female, a very attractive male. A sort of allusion to oral sex.

Iaana meaning

A very unique name for a unique girl.She has many personalities and her smile is incredible.

iaap meaning

Acronym: if at all possible

IAAPITB meaning

Acronym for "I Am A Pain In The Butt"

IAAW meaning

Someone who thinks they know everything about a specific game, but are never online. 99% of the time proven wrong when questioned. Hence the meaning: I Am Always Wrong.