igry meaning and definition

igry meaning

When you feel so embarrassed for someone that it makes you physically uncomfortable, often to the point of cringing or shuttering.

igry meaning

A synonim for "cringe" that some edgy redditor made up while trying to unsuccesfully convince other cool people it is a real word, making the whole situation kind of ironic.

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igryftbbp meaning

I'm Gonna Rescue You From This Burning Building,Phil

IGS meaning

acronym for "I've got Skills". on xbox live, it is utilized as a warning, to prevent the opposition from experiencing an intensely severe case of pwn'd. so to say, IgS, can be converted to LTGI, or "leave the game immediately", as a butt-whooping, is as inevitable and sure to happen as the the rising of the sun each dawn. members of this clan abide by a strict code of honor, gaming, pwnage, and integrity.

igs2d meaning

Acronym for "I've Got Shit To Do"

IGSAS meaning

acronym for Im Gonna Stomp A Squirrel, generally used in a fit of rage on a squirrley day.

Igsb meaning

I'm gunna shank a bitch.

IGSBDC meaning

Acronym for I Got Sucked-off By a Dude Club. Some hot girl takes you to an after party and you pass out and are awoken in the morning with your junk in some dudes mouth.

IGSD meaning

I get shit done!

igsfu meaning

Ive got something for you

IGSGO meaning

"I Got Shit GOING ON" said to people when asked if you can do this or that. Next time when your busy just say IGSGO

igsnoramus meaning

A person who causes pain and suffering to their partner by being ignorant of the effects of their horrible snoring that causes their partner to be unable to sleep at night.