J3NNY meaning and definition

J3NNY meaning

Often named as Forrest Gump's Girl. But much shorter and pretty damn cool. Twin of Lay Shaddixx. Hellz yea GO LAYY! =)

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j3s meaning

An affermative; yes, as used l33t g4m3rz.

j3t meaning

Johnny 3 Tears from the band Hollywood Undead

J4 meaning

July 4th: Independence Day for the United States of America. Celebrated with BBQ, beer, fireworks, red-white-n-blue jello "salads," etc.

J40k meaning

When someone lacks either intelligence and/or effort to get a job. And end up playing online games all day.

j4b meaning

An abbreviation of Just for banterUsed when someone does something stupid or inconsiderate towards someone else.

j4ckass meaning

Anyone who is obsessed with becoming popular through any means necessary. These means can include; being emo lying telling the true changing mail pvt msg and private massage

J4f meaning

Just for fun

j4g meaning

A reference from the Something Awful forums, j4g stands for 'joined for guild'. It refers to someone who has joined the Something Awful forums for access to their guilds in various games, and not for their community culture.

j4h1d meaning

lamer way of spelling jihad wrong with leetspeak.

j4j meaning

Just for jokes