meaning and definitionJaahu
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meanings of Jaahu
Jaahu is an abreviation for: Just As A Heads Up
To engage in jaajish activity with your jooj.
JAAK is the male version of TAAS. They are and will never be as great as them though.
An extremely cute male, they mostly have spiky hair and a jacked six-pack. The special Jaakko surprisingly resembles a siamese cat, named Sid
for the hell of it. for shits and giggles.
a generally amazing guy, who loves life and treats all women with respect and kindness.
A beautiful girl who loves a lot of things and is always changing her style everyday. She has many admirers but doesn't know it because nobody knows how to pronounce her name right. If you have this name you also hold many talents you might not even notice, because your too busy cheering on the people around you.
a sweet, caring girl who is amazing at sports. doesn't give herself enough credit for what she's got. She's always a good friend. has pretty good hand writing. Has a good sense of humour.
Son of Wonderful parents, who he loves and admires dearly. A person people look up to; determined, hard-working, and very handsome. Has much to do but says little, man of hard work that pays off. Talent in music is a +!
A lovely girl who is very caring, she will do anything to help you out!She is usually 1 in 10,000
A sweet, sensitive, and tender young soul. A person with this characteristic is often gay in nature and likes to toss salad. Likes to put balls in tiny holes.