Jab Arm meaning and definition

Jab Arm meaning

The long lasting pain/ache in the arm which takes the brunt of any inoculations. Usually takes a couple of days to recover, and until then rarely makes it above a 45 degree angle to the torso.

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jabarted meaning

Noun;Anything that is FUBAR, A item or person of significant uglyness, A place you would not want to go due to it's level of domestic termoil

Jabas meaning

Big Boobs on a women, good loking or not.

Jabass meaning

Similar in nature to a "jackass", but more of a limp-wristed jackass. A prime example of a jabass would be Andy Dick. Absolutely obnoxious, annoying, not funny and flamingly gay.

jabasshole meaning

the combinaiton of Jeu ( slang for you) and a bass fishing boat operated improperly on a privet lake.

jabata meaning

abbie's big bum and hips

jaba the cunt meaning

A person (generally female) who's constant propensity to be a bitch is exasperated by the fact that she is morbidly obese. The massive proportion of both her cuntiness and adipose tissue warrant the title. A Jaba the Cunt's life is both defined and punctuated by the fact that she's nothing more than a fat, egocentric, boorish bitch.

jaba the slut meaning

a fat girl in the club who will aggressively try to hook up with guys, and block them from hooking up with her cute friends when she gets rejected - a very jealous, dangerous creature that should be respected and never handled

jabaticaba meaning

1) a tree really hard to say but v cool 2)the coolest word in the world not unlike the word fachalike a word u say like im right

Jabauer meaning

To have a complete brain-fart and respond to a question like an imbecile.

Jabawaba meaning

the phrase used by extremely annoying, incoherent ruh-tards in order to make girls laugh. on the rare occasion, this phrase may work as a pick-up line for stupid blonde girls who think its cute.