Juicywise meaning and definition

Juicywise meaning

A combination of dripping with sexiness & spiritual strength. Typically reserved for a woman who is probably a great kisser, but will make a man work for it. She's cool with having drinks, then speaking truth into her friends lives.

Juicywise meaning

Juicywise - When a woman past you and gives you the look. Like I want you. And yes my ass is juice but I'm wise. So please no fuck boy shit.

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Juicy Wonder Dick meaning

n: the erect state of woman's (now man) penis.origin: when a woman decides she no longer desires to be a woman and gets a sex change, her vagina becomes mangled and turns into an origami penis. The only way for it to get hard is for it to fill up with "her" pussy juices

Juicywood Productions meaning

A production company located just south of Atlanta. Specializing in random comedy and parodies, some of their videos can be found on youtube.

Juicy woot meaning

An exclamation of approval in response to sexually-charged content, actions, or statements.

Juidici meaning

Your stereotypical cheap, selfish, clingy, lying, lifeless, hypocritical, bandwagoneer, pot head, creepy, cheating, and just plain weird and worthless friend who you always seem to still hang out with.

Juido meaning

A person that is half Italian half Japanese. Hence half Jap half gUIDO. This person will have both the traits of a Guido and a japanese person, or they will cancel out leaving a normal human being.

juif meaning

A Juif is a term that was created around 1970-1985 used mostly amoung Russian Poets who had assimilated into the land now known as Hazbeckistanian. It is a term which describes a man which carries Matzah around the house with him, for what appears to be no apparent reason. He may also carry books which tell tales of a journey from Egypy. In 1980 there was the world's first gathering/brunch of Juif's, it is now an anual event, world wide.

Juifoeuf meaning

The French term for a jewish egg. or someone who acts in a silly and innapropriate manor.

juik meaning

Clockwise combination of letters from 'j'. You really have nothing better to do?

Juiked meaning

(Jew-k-ed) The verb of faking to hit someone, usually to make them flinch.

Juiky meaning

It is a drink that goes along with crakers. It comes in many flavors. It brings on uncontrolable laughter when consumed.