meaning and definitionJ-
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meanings of J-
J short for Joint of Marijuana
The Ultimate-Guitar.com (UG) version of the pound sign (£) - it is common amongst hard-core patriotic users to use this replacement (J) outside of context and UG... J or j can be used - both are acceptable. This replacement of 'J' and '£' arises from the personal messaging system. It inexplicably replaces '£' with 'J' before sending, presumably because it cannot store or send '£' as it is not a letter, and as UG is American, the £ is unlikely to be used.
(noun) short for joint. A marijuana cigarette.
Another commonly used term among potheads for a marijuana joint.
a jump shot in basketball.
J stands for Junkie. The term is used down south often... even in rap songs. A junkie is somebody who has a bad drug addiction.
‘'J'’ is the only letter which can be pronounced in five{5} different ways, depending on its native language and how it is used; in order of commonness: as a ‘j’ (as in the English name 'George', word 'jockey'), as an ‘h’ (as in the Mexican beverage 'Jarritos', the Spanish word 'jalapeño', or the English name 'Henry'), as a ‘y’ (as in the word 'yacht' or the German word 'Ja' meaning 'Yes' or the name 'Jorgen von Strangle'{teh boss-fairy from le FOP, you silly nitwitt}..w's=v's, v's=f's auf Deutsch), as 'zh'(as in English 'vision', or the French masculine name 'Jean' or word 'lingerie'), or as a ‘w’ (as in the historical/fictional character + noun 'Don Juan', the feminine name 'Juanita', or the word 'marijuana'\'marihuana' or 'chihuahua' or the exclamatory interjection 'Woo!').
nice way of saying 'yo'. l33t sp34k.
(1)1337 speak for a Jewish person. (2)1337 speak for "you"
The 1337 (leet) version of "you" or "you all". The full leet version is "_|002". May also be spelled as "j00z".
A cross between a j00 and a n00b. Applies to an online game player, or any other person, that steals money or items of value and behaves like a 3 year old.
1.The ancient ancestor of j00b.
the man boobs of josh farro, who is the guitarist of paramore.
You faggot! An implication of homosexuality.
j00g0tpwnt is dervived from several online gaming words, when refering to complete domination of ones account or character. It is more severe than getting owned, pwn'd or pwnt.
basically YOU GOT PWNT(zor)call mesam that and watch how he retaliates the runescape addicted idiot all he does is play runescape.
A sexy man, whose bald and has a fuzzy body, with a ginormous, elongated, circumcised penis to the point where it can unhinge your jaw trying to fit it in your mouth, he is caring and sweet, a whiz with computers, has an array of confidence that oozes power and dominance, all the guys wish they were him, makes an excellent daddy, witty, intelligent, smart ass, great body, good with money but stingy with it as well, dress's well and cares about his appearance and health, has a bad boy image but is a softy with his special lady, can make love better than a black man, outgoing, spontaneous, pot head, leaves a lasting impression on everybody.