Jabiliton meaning and definition

Jabiliton meaning

A word used to describe any random body part or organ when you are impersonating a doctor and don't know what you are talking about.

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jabillion meaning

A billion that is compounded nearly limitlessly. Similar to bajillion.

Jabimpin meaning

Adjective: A way of describing something that is cool or fucking amazing.

jabin meaning

biggest scrub whos very lazy. sits around and vapes all day and skips school.

Jabinets meaning

When one jerks off into the cabinets

Jabing meaning

Making your friends wait outside your house for 15 minutes even though you are already ready

Jabingi meaning

Male sexual organ; the penis, particularly if well sized.

Jabingo meaning

Its the movement you do every day and every night, which now is "dancing" . The name is Jabingo.

jab in the whiskers meaning

The act of coitus with a young hottie is sometimes referred to this way.

jabip meaning

(n) A way to mock someone without them understanding

Jabipsville meaning

The middle of nowhere.