Jabogies meaning and definition

Jabogies meaning

A mans junk.

Read also:

jaboi meaning

Ja = ya and boi = boy. Your boy. An expression of glee. When you are happy to see your friends.

Jaboinya meaning

A tourist. Very clueless, normally seen in tourist traps such as theme parks, famous restaurants, souvenir shops,

Jaboja meaning

Re-arranged version of the term "bajoba"; which refers to the sound afro-americans make when speaking. Also used in describing a person who is black.

jabol meaning

tanie wino (sok + spirol) 4,0 z³ w Polsce najlepsze wino marki wino <lol>

Jabolish meaning

To demolish/destroy/beat something completely. Abbreviation: J-Bo

Jabon meaning

An urban/ghetto person exhibiting the stereotypical Africa American lifestyle. One who failed the jabon test.

Jaboncè meaning

Pronunciation: Jab-On-ce Someone who really wants to fuck there best friend and is secretly in love with them.

Jabone meaning

Pronunciation: "Juh-bone" Italian slang for "asshole".

jaboner meaning

When you meet friends after a night out and ask "Jaboner?" to see whether coitus was exchanged.

jaboney meaning

Designated boner or erection tension reducer. Aka: girl/boyfriend, slut, hoe, wife or husband, fuck buddy, or significant other. If you alone... it's you.