Jabolish meaning and definition

Jabolish meaning

To demolish/destroy/beat something completely. Abbreviation: J-Bo

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Jabon meaning

An urban/ghetto person exhibiting the stereotypical Africa American lifestyle. One who failed the jabon test.

Jaboncè meaning

Pronunciation: Jab-On-ce Someone who really wants to fuck there best friend and is secretly in love with them.

Jabone meaning

Pronunciation: "Juh-bone" Italian slang for "asshole".

jaboner meaning

When you meet friends after a night out and ask "Jaboner?" to see whether coitus was exchanged.

jaboney meaning

Designated boner or erection tension reducer. Aka: girl/boyfriend, slut, hoe, wife or husband, fuck buddy, or significant other. If you alone... it's you.

jabongas meaning

This term refers to large breasts

jabongga meaning

to suck a guy dry/lick a girl dry (dont take that literally..u cant lick something dry) remember u gotta swallow wat comes out or do em till they're satisfied blow job eat out

jabongos meaning

Referring to the natural and plentiful breasts of a C-cup or larger, only when in the act of copulating in the valley of cleavage. This act is very common in Colorado, Ohio, and Maryland amongst young, Swiss exchange students from middle class families.

JABONI meaning

See " Jabroni", Jabronee", etc. Sometimes used as a racial epithet, but we wouldn't do that, now would we...?

Jabonie meaning

Noun - Fuckwit or any other derogatory version of Fuckwit.