jaboo meaning and definition

jaboo meaning

amazing, fantastic, incredible, outstanding, awesome

jaboo meaning

Adjective, meaning of indeterminate origin, random scope, or just not clearly defined. Probably a contraction of "jabber" and "taboo", suggesting equal parts slander and salacious intent. However, one suggestion is that it's a jaboo re-arrangement of "jao bo", a loose Mandarin to English transliteration of the equally random and indeterminate "dog stick", making "jaboo" self-referential term in the spirit of "GNU".

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Jaboo0dyDubs meaning

Known for dubbing infomercial videos and just about everything. Such as: Oxi-clean, Orange Glow, Shamwow, Snuggie, Mighty Mendit, and more! All videos include dry humor. Jaboo0dyDubs has followers. Also known as Poopitrators. Jaboo0dyDubs check it out!

jabooba meaning

A female friend with nice breasts. Note: the other word in relationship with this is a "joboba", which is a mostly male friend. This form as in other languages such as spanish, the female form always uses the letter "a" as opposed to an "o"

Jaboobalings meaning

The act of being cute and innocent. Normally for animals or babies.

jabooble meaning

The boob of a transgender. Characterized by looking like an inflatable ball on their chest.

jabooblescube meaning

A type of lolly that is both sugary and jelly-like at the same time. The word originated as an attempt to describe onomatopoeiacally the taste of them!

jaboobly meaning

otherwise known as 'the shit showers', and being piss drunk or sick can cause this condition. it is when a wicked diarrhea is taken and right after, or during, your diarrhea you have to vomit. this vomit has to cause the diarrhea to splash up and hit you in the face.

Jabooboo meaning

Big Black Male who resembles a walrus. WITH THE TUSKS!

Jaboobs meaning

n (proper, normally):The male that lives across from you and always comes into your room. They generally are bigger than you, have a tendency to look you in the eye, and oftentimes wake you up when they are heavily under the influence of alcohol. See: Japubes

Jabooby meaning

1. A long winded explanation that really isn't very interesting. 2. Bullshit

jabood meaning

Typically a guy who works out to much at the gym. Dedicates his life to football. Has a two inch penis and raisin sized balls. Who goes out and fucks girls in a sideways manor.