Jackademic meaning and definition

Jackademic meaning

Alternative form for Jacademic:Person/People (usually with a university background or a similar form of higher education) who decide to speak in convoluted, very jargon oriented terms about general subjects/topics with the main intent to either: show off their supposed expertise; their superior intellect over their audience; or both.The main feeling of their audience, however, would typically be "what a long-winded prick..." or a similar negative thought.Expanding from this, politicians could be described as Jacademics with enhanced convolution and word play abilities.Term first heard from (Ninja/J-Sel, CoB, 2012)Professor at dinner party: You know Charles, the stagnant, and you could even say bearish, state of the economy is fundamentally a result of the proliferation of questionable securities and derivatives products offered by major investment banks with the help of their Federal Reserve and Politician friends.Thought of a general listener: What a Jacademic / Jackademic!

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A distant relative of the jackalope. However there is a sharp distinction. The jackadog is a medium to large sized dog, often white in color, that has a decent sized pair of antlers in most cases. Even the females will typically have a small rack.

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masturbating "jacking off" while defecating "doo doo"

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Idiot, fool; a playful alternative to a**hole