KAB meaning and definition

KAB meaning

Kick Ass Bitch,hard ass

KAB meaning

Kill A Bitch It was originated when I got pissed at a friend =D

KAB meaning

Kill a bowl, to smoke Marijuana out of a bowl of a bong, bubbler or water pipe.

KAB meaning

A verb meaning to talk about something that is very off topic. (Kabbing: Stop Kabbing Jason!, Kabbed: Haha, yesterday Jason Kabbed, Kabber: Jason is such a Kabber!)

KAB meaning

A Foreign food from the undiscovered country Muskin. This foreign food is one of muskin's priority food supply made of meat, ketchup, hot sauce, pees, Trix cereal, onions, garlic, and chocolate.

KAB meaning

Keeping America Beautiful. Men balancing beer on their bellies. American flag miniskirts. Mutton chops. Porch ducks with changing outfits. Bare-bellied men mowing their lawns. Keeping america beautiful with that much-loved overabundance of wealth and carefree self-indulgent gluttonous beautiful joy. Oh America. How we have fought and died for thee.

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Kabab meaning

the name of the world's sexiest immigrant science teacher. Kababs are usually loved by all the ladies, and his sexy accent turns us all on. especially when he rolls his r's.

kababaka meaning

kick ass bad ass, bad ass kick ass

Kababalaah meaning

A term used to describe Kabbalah in a derisory fashion

Kababe meaning

First appearances, she is a babe. Closer inspection reveals she is 'Mutton wrapped in foil for under $10'i.e Those slappers that ply makeup and cheap shinny bling bling dresses.

kabab fanny meaning

A Sausage Wallet. Really long labia.

kababies meaning

If you were to marry a kebab and have its children the result would be kababies.

Kababoled meaning

Mixed up, confused, disorganized,

kabacha meaning

white girl. stereo typical caucasian party girls. mainly used by Mexican Americans and/or mexicans. A sarcastic way of describing suburban middle class type white girl.

kabacho meaning

a spanish slang for white boy. Mostly used by mexicans when they talk about white boys without letting them knowing about the shittalk that goes on.

Kaback meaning

A name for a 1994 Honda Acorrd