Kabillan meaning and definition

Kabillan meaning

A hindu god. Or a fat man

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kabillion meaning

A very large amount, i.e. untold billions.

kabillionth meaning

the smallest number EVER

Kabina meaning

A secluded cabin deep in the woods where rape is inevitable.

Kabindra meaning

Name of a male from South Asia.Comprised of two words "kabi" meaning = poet in Sanskrit and "indra" = the God of Heaven in the Hindu Holy Books. Likes to eat good food and has a taste in fine ladies, drinks, music and art.Sometimes can be used as an comparitive term e.g : " He was good, but nowhere near Kabindra".

kabine meaning

A smelly douche that can't do any work and is annoying as fuck.

Kabinenpati meaning

ancient greek translation for "eternal sex-god". It is proofed that anyone that holds this name has a great level of skill and ability to perform sexual acts for long periods of time. Men posessing this name are also well endowed.Just an all around perfect man. Also known to cause even the most loyal of girls to turn on their boyfriends. Talented with music, words, and kills in any sport he plays. Strong like bull. Always competitive, and ALWAYS wins what he competes in. Some consider him to be on the status of not only a god, but THE God.

Kabingleflopper meaning

A Flopper which is known to be kabingled in at least three areas. Only found in the northern region of Zimbabwe. Ice cream.

Kabinglerdanglin meaning

a huge penis that dangles, usually found on older men that are limp

kabini meaning

Kabini- (Noun, Adj., Verb) Noun- A god-like alter ego Adj- To be acting like a god or doing something that resembles the original Kabini. Also see Terry Kabini, Andy Mellow, Special K, or Bini Verb- To knock someone out in poker, or to have had your last name pronounced terribly

kabir meaning

Kabir is an Arabic name which translates literally to big, although it suggests greatness, someone who is very wise, someone who will do great/ big things, someone with a great aura, etc. Kabir also has strong links with someone who is mystical and other worldly.And it also generally means someone who is well endowed, attractive and knows how to use his equipment.