kablastafucked meaning and definition

kablastafucked meaning

intoxicated beyond all recognition

kablastafucked meaning

1) When you do something horrible, like hitting a small animal when your girlfriend is in your car, and you know theres no way out. 2) When too much alcohol is consumed in a single setting 3) The guy in his Civic when he hits your car, and you and your friends are FORCED to kill him.

kablastafucked meaning

when in you are in such a bad position that no matter what u do it will turn out bad for u and others.

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kablasterfuck meaning

Usually the effect that results from taking a Kablasterfuck.

kablastifucked meaning

To drink an extreme amount of alcohol to the point you are kablastifucked.To the near extent of blacking out avoiding hospitolization

KABLAYUM meaning

Pronounced : Kab-laa-yum Emphasise : Kab-Laaaaa-yum or Kab-la-yuuuumFor ultimate effect: KAAAB-LAAAAA-YUUUUUM!!!An aggressive expression used during the act of successfully annihilating an opponent. Usually this act consists of close combat with either a shotgun or a melee attack directed at the face. Can be applied to other forms of combat if used with enough enthusiasm.

Kable meaning

Where one person or organism dominates and controls another person so much they become one single entity aka: kables

kableekybloop meaning

Nickname; or the act of taking a dump.

kablestich meaning

a new zealand band that makes heavy metal/

Kablifternifter meaning

The king of Neo-Italy, Earl of Proto-Greece, and Duke of Latvia-X

KABLMAO meaning

An explosion of hysterical laughter. A KABLMAO is a KABLAMO full of LMAO's.

kabloded meaning

Past tense for passing bodacious amounts of gas.