Kabombski meaning and definition

Kabombski meaning

Kabombski- meaning to be the bomb, badass, something is so awesome.

Read also:

kabon meaning

A term used to describe the lack of kabobs.

kabong meaning

A phrase shouted at the top of one's lungs during a moment of great hilarity or satisfaction.

kabonkers meaning

When someone has big boobies and the nipples almost poke your eyes out.

Kaboo meaning

Nearby area, local, neighborhood.

KABOOB meaning

The larger version of boob.A Boob is just a "boob" while KAboob refers to the "WOW" effect version of boob. Someone who is truly a boob, becomes a kaboob.A joining of kaboom and boob

kabooba meaning

Somebody with blonde hair and green eyes.

Kaboobages meaning

A word used for a woman's breasts which are very large, almost to the point of them being unattractive, but still remaining attractive.

kaboobies meaning

boobs on an uffy. they are so magnificent and grand that the word boobs is an understatement. they are round and beautiful. also highly bouncey. when exposed you hear all the angels sing. they are sure to make all who witness this lovely sight, shed a tear.

kaboobled meaning

A weird way of saying that you are stumped and confused

Kabooblers meaning

Refering to a large chest on a woman, when they do not meet the kaboobler requirements they are merely (kabooblets)