kaboomsky meaning and definition

kaboomsky meaning

Similar to kaboomski, kaboomsky is an exclamation of excitement or joy.Unlike, kaboomski however, kaboomsky is said only by people who are trying to force a new word into vernacular. This is very closely related to fetch from Mean Girls.

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kaboomtown meaning

Ambiguous phrase to describe an explosive situation.

kaboonga meaning

a word to yell out and get in trouble by your teacher and have the class laugh

Kaboonichu meaning

If boon were a poke'mon he would be called a "kaboonichu" He would fit nicely into a poke'ball and pop out for his master Jon

Kaboop meaning

Sound effect created by the elongation of Pinnochio's nose. Usually used by non-puppets (humans) as a vocal effect accompanied by a hand gesture, with the fingers pointing towards the face, which is demonstrative of a growing nose. NB The number of gesture repetitions and/or length of the kaboop and gesture should be relative to the extent of the Billy bullshit ie. How far it is off the scale.

Kabooph meaning

A good natured act of passing gas in someone's drink done for recreational purposes. With consumption of a Kabooph many believe comes a curse. The only way to rid the curse one must re-Kabooph another individual. I.e Farting

kaboose meaning

A kaboose is a woman who has huge booobs and an ugly face.HUGE BOOBS.

Kaboose Juice meaning

A cute way to explain diarrhea to kids.

Kaboosh meaning

1. In Brighton Beach, Brooklyn social clubs men of Russian descent reference the train yard, and farm yard by referring to a woman's "kaboosh." 2. Locally used as a spread.

kabooski meaning

I foreign translation for fucking her in the pussy.

kabootar meaning

'Pigeon' or a 'dove', used in hindi language