Kach meaning and definition

Kach meaning

Noun meaning a guy very sensative to words and commonly gets his hair cut at the Rage. A Kach is generally a term for round but sexy men.

Kach meaning

Veritas.Typically tall, lanky with dirty blonde hair and striking blue eyes.Sometimes colorblind to the color blue.Roadtripper, biker, lover.

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ka-cha meaning

The only true way to end a conversation. Periods end sentences, but "ka-cha"s end discussions. Continuing a conversation after a "ka-cha" has been said is punishable by death in most states, as well as Cuba.

KaCham meaning

1)HECKKKKK YEAHHHHHHH!! 2)When you are extremely excited and willing to do ANYTHING !

kachamak meaning

Kachamak is a traditional Bulgarian dish. It is made from boiled and long stired corn flour, butter, cheese (lot's of cheese)and pepper all mixed up in a big bowl.

Kachang meaning

an exclamatory word. a word that means the act of exposing someone, or the a word you say instead of 'cheese' before taking a picture.

Kachanka meaning

or 'Kachankas'. Basically another name for a woman's breasts. Prounounced: 'Ka-chawnk-ka'

kachanna meaning

refering to the hottness of a chick.

Kacharka meaning

It is the result of a man fucking a woman on her period. It is the mix of cum and period blood.

kach-attack meaning

When a guy with low self esteem due to ugliness and or body odor dances at a public event such as a school dance or prom pops a boner on his vulnerable dancing partner

Kachaturoffed meaning

When an interviewer makes your story so compelling and complete for the audience that your own family learns something new about you.

Kachaw meaning

An intentional blow to the groin. (I.E. a punch, kick, etc.)