kachurg meaning and definition

kachurg meaning

An onomatopoeic verb used to describe the act of vomiting when the vomiter is a dog or cat. On some pets it can actually take on a sort of brass pipes and plunger tone.... after an evening where you stupidly let your dog finish the left over onion and anchovy pizza and are awakened to that terrifying "KA-Churg! KA-Churg! KA-Churg! sound and poor Bowzer in a muzzle down reverse hunch stepping slowly backwards across the foot of your bed...... the series of "KA-Churg!"'s ends with a louder "Ka-Kack!" when the offending substance is finally laid half digested on the bedspread your sainted grandma knitted in the old country.

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kachwaffle meaning

alluding to the toughest man in the land, Gilbert Kachwaffle.

Kachysties meaning

The voices in any said persons head.

Kaci meaning

The best person to ever walk the Earth. A Kaci is the most beautiful, gorgeous, and amazing person ever. She has the most mezmorizing eyes that you could stare into forever.

kacia meaning

a very overused meme that everyone has forgotten about and identifies as a dirty microwave

kaci and courtney meaning

The two hottest girls you will ever meet. Known for being the girls who drink anything especially beer and box wine.

kacidy meaning

The most amazing person you will ever meet. She will turn your life upside down like a pineapple upside down cake! She loves penguins and is always loyal

Kacie meaning

a girl with huge lips full of collagen, word on the street is she's only good at 4 things... 1) kissing 2) poster board presentations 3) sudoku 4) solitare

Kacie bt meaning

Little Miss Looney Toons.

kacie jo meaning

A woman who, on the outside seems innocent but internally harbors misleading and selfish goals. Most likely to sleep with a married man and to attempt to run him over while in a drunken stooper. Can be identified by the layers of makeup worn at any given time or their constant selfies on at least 2 or more social networks.

Kacii meaning

Being in the state of pure love, passion, self-respect and truth.