meaning and definitionL3
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meanings of L3
In the world of Escorts and Spa/Studio, L3 (or Level 3) is full penis/vaginal sex. (See L1 and L2)
To teabag in a videogame by using the crouch function after killing someone. Primarially used in Halo. Derived from the button used to execute the command.
Used by the band The Matches to describe their concerts: Live, Loud, and Local
is the control on halo 3, to crouch... when tapped repeatively, it is used to tea bag some one you killed...
People online originally said elite. Then this changed to leet. Then this changed to L33t. Then this changed to 1337. Now, the final evolution is L3. 1Rl3=I am L3
time to smoke a blunt. blunts are also known as an "L"
A variety of van manufactured by Mitsubishi Motor Company. An L300 may also be referred to as a starwagon. In essence an L300 is the ultimate van to own, if you are interested in such pursuits as burning, mugggin' it up and having a sweet time. L300 can also be descriptive, applying its magnificent qualities to another object.
The exact opposite of l337, also see nub.
politeness is bieng able to speak l337 speak but having the sense and intelligence to talk like a normal person
\/\/|-|/-\-|- '/<>|_| 5|>34|< 1|= '/<>|_||" <<><>|_. pronounced leet short for elite.
a person who uses l337
When people use the term "l337" so much it's retarded
One who thinks he/she has done something brilliant by hacking another, when really all he/she has done has ruined a perfectly useful space of time annoying another user with his/her pathetic, destructive behavior.
L337HP is a new generation coverup for hack/hacks/h4ck/h4cks. l337HP is cut words that are merged into one. l337 - Leet - Elite H - H0T, Hot, H -(bad/illegal) P - Pr0g - Program Pronounciation; ~ (leet~H~P) Plural;(L337HP's)
A middle eastern terrorist group bent on causing chaos and world domination. Watch out for these guys. pronunced leet kroo HP