Lowesfest meaning and definition

Lowesfest meaning

The all-day block party in the legendary GHETTO (student neighborhood) at the University of Dayton, Ohio. Founded in 1978,the largest university student neighborhood in the country shuts down Lowes Street for an all day mind-blowing college block party. It is a common rule that every house on Lowes street must provide (at the very least)the amount of kegs equal to the last number of their address. Generally, houses go way above and beyond that rule as UD students are notoriously known for drinking outsiders "under the table". Lowesfest reached its Peak in the early 90s when the metropolitan city of Dayton's entire police force could not keep the college students in check. The party here became so infamous it was even featured on David Letterman. The event has currently been banned in the past 4 years.

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Lowes Island meaning

A neighbourhood in Sterling VA that likes to think it is part of Great Falls despite the fact that Great Falls is in a different county. Residents of Lowes Island will tell you that they live in "Potomac Falls", as they think Sterling is a ghetto. Although real ghettos do not have Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Maserati dealerships, Sterling has all three, as well as a Nordstrom and a Wegmans. It is likely that Lowes Islanders do not want you to know they live in Sterling because the AOL national headquarters are there.In 2008, Donald Trump purchased the Lowes Island Golf Club, this inspired every single Lowes Islander to buy a golf cart. Loudoun County got tired of Lowes Island's superiority complex and redistricted their high school students into the same school as the kids from Sugarland Run, the poorest neighbourhood in Loudoun County. In Lowes Island's attempt to keep the poor, brown residents of Sugarland Run out of their community, a high schooler in Lowes Island must walk over 4 miles to get to Dominion High School.Fun Facts: There are no islands within Lowes Island --- There is a Compton Circle in Lowes Island --- There is a secret road behind the Estates section with steep hills, tight curves, and no cars. --- The people of Lowes Island call the police every time someone is seen on this secret road. --- The Trump National Golf Course has more children jousting with golf carts than actual golfers.-------

Lowest Animal meaning

This is a human that is the most disgusting creature to ever walk the face of the earth. Not only do they smell bad, but they act stupid, and sleep around with grunge ugly people. Most commonly associated with males.

lowest common denomination meaning

1. When someone claims to be "Christrian" but has never been in a church and has a vague recollection of the ten commandments, but thinks they are good person.2. In religion, the lowest common denominator or least common denominator (abbreviated LCD) is the least common multiple of the denomination of a set of vulgar religions. It is the smallest common thought that is a multiple of the denominations.

Lowest Common Denominator meaning

A particular type of obnoxious person one encounters in extremely large groups, or where everybody is universally included. Because there are so many people, there is a significantly higher probability of idiotic people.

Lowest Common De-nom-nom meaning

when a group gathers and tries to compromise on an appropriate dining spot, the differences in desired cuisines leads to everyone settling on a standard diner that nobody wanted to eat at in the first place. They have settled for the lowest common de-nom-nom

lowest form of intelligence meaning

being really ridiculously unintelligent or stupid

lowest form of life meaning

Concerning human beings, the worst of the worst. spineless, backstabbing, two faced individuals, combined with the most modicum of intelligence. They often end up as middle managers of popular food chains, or jailers. They are useful at always having good information on who the scapegoat of the day is, but not to be trusted alone with pets or children.The most defining attribute of such a person is a natural illusiveness they dont seem even to be aware of.Its that person who seems well enough accepted by all and yet you feel ill at ease when they are around.

lowest of keys meaning

Involved with low key. To keep something really quite; never talk about it.

lowest priority meaning

Shopping at Lowes Hardwareto keep Home Depot from getting any bigger, or richer. Although, Lowe's is just a wannabe Home Depot anyway, and not a roots mom and pop store, so, aside from cutting Depot out, it's a relatively meaningless gesture.