l33ching meaning and definition

l33ching meaning

*what peeps do on mIRC

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l33t meaning

133t or |337 is an online language mostly used by computer geeks. it changes letters of words into numbers or characters that look the like the letter. for example. "i am speaking leet" would be translated into "1 4m 5p34k1n6 |337", or in 'uber leet' "1 @|\/| $|*3@|<1|\|6 |33+" uber leet is much more complicated and is used by leet ha><orz.

L33t0nG meaning

L33t meaning Elite 0nG meaning Ing Makes no sence! But i think the word looks and sounds cool "Leet-Tongue"

l33t0r meaning

Someone that is outstandingly good at a particular thing.

l33t1f13d meaning

To make a sentence, phrase or word leet (1337). It has become Leetified (l33t1f13d)

l33tard meaning

1) A derogatory term used on people who, far to often, use l33t words. L33tard can often be seen in their natural environment in the basements of overprotective mothers, and are easily distinguishable by their under developed social skills and inability to listen to a comedian and not say lol or ftw.

l33tbix meaning

Breakfast of l33t people.

L33t Creek meaning

A place i created where the mightiest of l0lz flow. l33t creek is Similar to heaven but for the mightiest of l0lz and l33t gamers alike. Also roflchops the sacred word of l33t creek. Created by lyud

l33t Crew meaning

1. One of the terrorists from the game Counter Strike 2. A group that owns another group

L33tCyb3rH4xx0rM4nD00d meaning

Directly its leet cyber haxor man dude. Kinda of an exclimation when you feel that youve been hacked. Too long to use often though.

L33ted-up meaning

v. 1. Used "haxx0r-speak"/leet (l337) in a ridiculously unnecessary way, such as fanfiction or homework. 2. Having fashioned a username where one has difficulty telling what characters are used (i.e. small L (l) confusable with big I in some cases), which makes typing it out in order to add to a friends list (or banlist) nearly impossible.