laacrimosexual meaning and definition

laacrimosexual meaning

Intense love for cameroon lacrimosia that is just so intense that your koala tea has spilled everywhere

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LAAETTR meaning

It's an acronym whose definition is left as an exercise to you, but can also be taken for an ADD version of "later", so it's another way of saying "mañana".

LAAFK meaning

Laughing. At. A. Fat. Kid.Can be used in the litteral term , where you are actually laughing at an obese person (no disrespect to the rounder ones out there) or an other word to use on online conversations to replace the common LOL, ROFL or LMAO.

laag meaning

Acronym meaning Laughing As a Group Invented by Twin Sandwhich

laager mentality meaning

The idea that since every man (and his gun) is needed for the common defense of the group, any one man's behavior, short of murder, must be tolerated, even including mild insanity and such serious crimes as rape. (From the Afrikaans voortrekker word 'laager' - a circle of wagons forming a defensive perimeter, as when the days journey was done and the group settled in for the night)

laah meaning

Laah just basically means between liking and loving a person at the same time.

Laahnge meaning

The croydonish word for lounge

laahore meaning

Your laahore is the maori word for a long penis.

laaiba meaning

Laaiba is the meaning of an angel in Islam that comes from heaven

laaibah meaning

Arabic origin,meaning most beautiful from heaven. Most laaibahs according to urban culture; kind, loving, intelligent, caring and helpful. Quite vocal and have a very sweet tooth!

Laaiqa meaning

A person that's beautiful and trustforthy! And Always makes you laugh on ur ass ! She is a loyal friend and got a lot of faith in her buds. She is afraid of Dogs and other creatures but has a big ass heart! She falls for the jerks sometimes and sometimes needs her friends pick her up on her feet. She's Short,Funny and has Brown Eyes and Black hair.