LaBeast meaning and definition

LaBeast meaning

A male that is a total beast. The 'la' is added in front to add spice and mystery. This male is often young and dark-haired, at times even a bit good looking (not always though). He may not be the most confident one out there, but definitely dignified and sincere. Honesty is an apparent attribute as well. The LaBeast male is a rare creature, and should be cherished...

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labeato meaning

A labeato is the male sex drive or penis

labeau meaning

French surname meaning "The Beautiful." However, should be spelled "LeBeau" due to the fact that "Beau" is a feminine article while "La" is a masculine form of the word "the," while "Le" is the matching feminine article.

LaBeauish meaning

adjective1.lacking moral principles; unwilling to adhere to proper rules of conduct.2.not in accord with the standards of a profession: She treated patients outside the area of her training, and the appropriate medical organization punished her unethical behavior.3.Unbecoming cheesy behavior that is consistent with a douche.

La Beaven meaning

A man who is known to be a hudderite. He considers himself to be the Wayne Gretzky of electrical but is more akin to the Wade Bleak of electrical. Also known as Badry

labecca meaning

A "Labecca" is one of the best people you will ever meet. She is very kind, caring, loving, forgiving, and most "Labeccas" are gorgeous. As well as a great personality, a "Labecca" has a very good body, and is extremely sporty and competitive. "Labecca" is also a brilliant best friend, and she is very honest and trustful.

Labeeb meaning

an individual very lost in thought and direction. intelligent but confused at many high points of the day. overall, a person who follows the path of detour.

labeeba meaning

noun: a wise person

Labeef meaning

Someone very white/redneck

Label meaning

Something you put on jars. Not on people

label 228 meaning

united state postal service label. priority mail label. sticker label used for graffiti