Misophonia meaning and definition

Misophonia meaning

A new or undiscovered word to many, misophonia is condition in which certain sounds provoke strong negative emotional reactions in people (anger, panic, or disgust) to a person with the disorder. One or more "trigger" sounds can cause these emotions. Common trigger noises include (but are not limited to) chewing, snorting, slurping, whispering, whistling, shushing, lip-smacking, and sneezing. Misophonia tends to develop in children and gets progressively worse over time. If someone with misophonia tells you to stop whistling, slurping, ect, stop. If you don't stop, you are a twatmuffin and we can't be friends.

Misophonia meaning

A rarely diagnosed mental condition in which negative emotional experiences (from annoyance to extreme rage) are triggered by specific sounds, which can be either loud or soft. Nose sniffling, eating and breathing noises and tapping are all examples of trigger sounds for people suffering from this illness.

Misophonia meaning

For people with a condition that some scientists call misophonia, mealtime can be torture. The sounds of other people eating — chewing, chomping, slurping, gurgling — can send them into an instantaneous, blood-boiling rage.

Misophonia meaning

A mental illness marked by extreme aversion to certain soft sounds, such as eating noises and nose sniffling. The condition is newly-defined and rarely diagnosed.

Misophonia meaning

Hatred of noise. I was diagnosed with misophonia,I enjoy music,but muffled talking,whispering,muttering,heavy breathing,blowing nose,tapping,snoring,etc,etc.Its ok when you make these noises,but when someone makes one of the noise listed above;they're in some deep shit.By 'deep shit' I mean the symptoms include,muscle tension,sweaty palms,biting nails or even a quickened heart beat

Misophonia meaning

The identification of an individual in which maintains strong ties to symbols of pleasure that are often over used, abused, and/or taken to extreme ends preventing the nature of such symbols. Often associated with small groups of a common means of communications that is misinterperted as significant meaning to then be highjacked by larger or outside groups.All so known as "running with it" or "meme extremes"

Misophonia meaning

The disorder in which a person experiences excessive anger towards those who smack their food or breathe too heavily.

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Misophonist meaning

Many of us experience some form of misophonia, an extreme intolerance for certain sounds. Nails on a chalkboard is the ultimate example. Or perhaps it's gum smacking, open-mouthed chewing, crunching on ice, or other sounds regularly heard in public. Ugh

misor meaning

any person who can succesfully mise

misorthodox meaning

holding mistaken views on something.

MisoSexual meaning

Similar to being antisexual, a person who is a misosexual does not accept sex. Not only does that person reject sex, but also views sex with disgust or hatred. Misosexuals view sex as offensive. They may be attracted to a gender but choose to view it with contempt. They also find porn offensive and even looking at half naked people as offensive.This does not mean that misosexuals have been abused or feel worthless. Generally, misosexuals avoid relationships; however, one may be in a relationship (or have feelings of romance) but try to avoid sex and view it with disgust.

miso soup meaning

1. A common oriental soup 2. When one fucks their partner so hard in the anus that a strange liquid resembling miso soup in taste and smell spurts forth from the rectum.

Miso Swoop meaning

stuffing all of your uneaten sushi in a bowl of miso soup to hide so that the restaurant can't charge you for the leftovers.

Misotasy meaning

Mi-saw-tah-seeNOUN1: The hatred or dislike of things to to their popularity.

Misotheism meaning

Misotheism is the hatred of God, or the Gods. At times, Misotheism can stem from a horrible moment in a persons life where the person feels they have been mistreated by God. But most Misotheists are people who either: - Find the teachings of the God they believe in to be immoral and wrong. - Feel that the Holy Book of the God they believe in paints an image of an evil God, rather than a wholy good one. - Blame God for the suffering in the world. - A combination of the three. These are the major reasons for Misotheism, though there can be any others, and the only 'requirement' of being a Misotheism is that you hate God. A person does not even have to believe in a God to be a Misotheist. Simply hating the idea of God and the image portrayed of him/her/it is enough to be classed as a Misotheist. Misotheism is not to be confused with Dystheism, Maltheism, Antitheism, or Satanism.

misour meaning

pronunciation- *miz-your*A dog's nickname that you can use out of the ordinary just to call them something...

Misoverstood meaning

To misinterpret a concept or ideology in such an inaccurate fashion as to cause grossly unnecessary dangers to the followers of the specific concept. Also see overstood