Monch Gouge meaning and definition

Monch Gouge meaning

Noun. An inaccurate statement of information usually obtained by a third party source. Spoken with extreme confidence to make it actually sound plausible.

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Monchhichi meaning

What Mini-Me is.

Monchi meaning

God of Grasslands.Monchis is an Nordic deity that watched over the plains in the highlands in Norway. Its cult was banned in 1457 along other pagan gods by the Christian, following instructions from the pope Nicholas V.Its is described as a giant goat with gray fur and long horns. The grass was supposed to grow wherever this god steped on, and its arrival is related to the spring.Today its used as a pseudonym in Norway and Sweden to refer to people with a green-thumb.

Monchichi meaning

A popular doll from the 80's. Looks like a little monkey with a freckeled human face, usually sucking it's thumb.

Monchichi Demon meaning

a short person who isnt short enough to be a dwarf of midget and is puportioned like a normal human being rather than short arms and legs with a big head, looks exactly normal except hella small (usually 5ft or so)

monchilla meaning

The splicing of a mongoose and a chinchilla.

monching meaning

verb. to monch. adj. moncher the act of digging up a corpse for the purpose of sexual pleasure. one person puts his mouth on the woman's vagina. the other person jumps on her stomach so the first can 'taste the goodness' that comes out. monching.

monchiskilla meaning

a crazy ass little shit thats down for his hood and knows how to give the best head in the world. And also is becoming a t rhino

monchkala meaning

a word to use, when you want to reply to an extremely long paragraph that someone wrote to annoy them.

monchoon meaning

A thing, or an insult, it can be used however you want it to be.

Moncho-ponch meaning

The area of the stomach where an irregular amount of fat is stored. The area is not only carrying too much fat, but the fat is so abnormally differnet shaped that it flows over the pants/shorts etc. to form a sort of front muffin top.