m00f meaning and definition

m00f meaning

1st meaning: the sound that a dogcow makes. 2nd meaning: an expression or gesture of greeting.

m00f meaning

"m00f" comes from the purposeful misspelling of the l33t word "m0f0", meaning "motherfucker".

m00f meaning

An illiterate or n00b who spams. Derived from n00b.

m00f meaning

Word invented by petpetnip on www.neopets.com as a substitute for the word n00b; users were getting n00b confused with newbie. A m00f is an irritating/annoying person who spams, scams, cheats, steals, or does anything unsavory. A m00f is ignorant.

m00f meaning

A m00f is a word made up by me and some other people on Neopets.com (Petpetnip didn't make it up, although he was there when it was made up... I made up "moof" and then someone else added the zeroes) and it was made as a substitute word for "n00b", which sounds too much like it meant "newbie". Basically it means an idiot, or someone who is very annoying.

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m00fin meaning

1337 for 'muffin'. m00fins can also sometimes be associated with muffin or muffin like pastries which plan to take over the world.

m00finator meaning

1. a derogitory term for one who eats muffins (sexual) 2. one who prevents m00fins from take over. see m00fin

m00g meaning

A shortened form of the nick-name M00gen. M00gen is a nick-name given to someone with the name Megan. (The vowels are substituted for double 00's) M00g is an affectionate name. They are usually extremely loveable, very sweet, and great to be around.

m00ged meaning

When a gamer has been banned from a server for no other reason than that another player constantly whines, moans and complains about them and eventually has them banned

m00jo meaning

Someone who cannot bear the thought of losing to anyone but a cheater

m00k meaning

Slang term used to refer to the act of sexual intercourse.

m00nfrube meaning

A group of teenage girls that begun with the duo, Casey and Theresa. This group creates all sorts of movies for the internet, upgrading their equipment as much as they can to make the quality of the movie even better. m00nfrube is the generation movie makers that are right behind smosh duo of Anthony and Ian.

m00ny meaning

A psuedo-personality one tranforms into when feeling sxually frustrated whereby one uses low intensity low risk, high result, usually internet, courting methods to scare or pick-up a partner, predominantly a male trait.

m00on meaning

Like photons make up light, m00ons make up cows. A cow is not "matter" in the conventional sense but, rather, a collection of m00ons. Bet ya didn't know that :p The whole eating grass thing is a front, cows know that if humans found out they really use a simple form of nuclear fusion they would all be experimented on (rather than say, killed and eaten) The byproducts of the reaction going on inside the cow are "milk" and "shit" Cows eat grass but secretly throw it up at night. Grass does not taste good. Thou shalt love thy cow lest it explode in a ball of fire.

m00p meaning

Very short person with absolutely now chance at life. Also known to be Moridins biggest fan.