m0dZ meaning and definition

m0dZ meaning

Another word which is used for showing other people the power of your 0wnage. m0dZ - modz - mods 'Mods' is short for modifications. Game mods are set of packed files made by gamers that change what the game looks like, for example it can change the futuristic weapons into those used in the second world war, it can change futuristic maps into those that look realistic. But mods can also make the game easier in multiplayer as some of them make weapons fire faster, or boost up players health and speed. This kind of cheating is usually taken care of by the game developers, however there are still some games that do not have anti-mod support. Those games include Freelancer, Red Faction and few more. However saying m0dZ has nothing to do with modding, its like saying 'Look, i owned 20 guys with my knife, im having the skill like i was using a mod'

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m0f0 meaning

A shortened term for 'mother-fucker' but also in l33t, using zero's instead of plain 'O's.

m0fire meaning

m0fire, a very sad 30 yearold man, he spends hours making threads on a online fps forum about how great the u.k is, but fails horriabley. his english and typing fail but claims he is the superior race.

m0g meaning

Someone with too much time on their hands.

m0m0 meaning

1)m0m0 is everything and everywhere 2)m0m0 is indescribable with any human language 3)people who chill on gamesurge IRC #softsheep (singular tense)

m0mo meaning

1. n. Being or having a likeness to VeNoM. 2. v. To be totally and utterly gay.

m0ney meaning

n. the most 1337 clan in Raven Shield and eleetzor tking group of pals in the world.

m0ng meaning

insult - similar to a sp0ng, somone who is a newbie or a complete spack.

m0nglord meaning

n. : a adept or master of the art and science of m0nging. One whose sources are so vast and varied, that their m0ng appears to form a pr0n singularity.

m0nk3y meaning

The sexiest, cutiest human-like monkey on earth

m0nkey meaning

m0nkey is my fury friend i sleep and cuddle and kiss every night. he is so cute. aww..