m3n0r p3n0r meaning and definition

m3n0r p3n0r meaning

'Mean Penis' in L337-speak, also referring to "dickhead"--the insult. Or, engaging the term to another who is a penis-sucking-whore.

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m3nk3y meaning

a funny animal, that is a monkey used in the Language: l33t 1337 leet computer language only understood by other computer guys

m3phix meaning

Pronounced 'mef-ics' Derrivative of 'my fix'(see leet). This refers to a person's drug of choice. In context the drugs refered to are usually halucinagins used by a certain sub culture of people known as ravers. The word is also popular among LANers and other persons who are frequently online.

M3RK meaning

Being Young Based God like Logan "YBG" "LROD" Rodkey

m3rkmus1c meaning

a black dildo eater with a shuttlecock

m3rxd meaning

"m3rxd", another way of saying the letter "merked". As in 'pwning' a 'nub', while 'tee bagging'.

m3t4l meaning

This word originated from myspace. its pretty much what all the scene kids think they are because they can wear baller caps, and make a metal claw in there myspace bathroom shots. the wordl m3t4l is most commonly used in myspace display names. such as "m3g4n m3t4l". and following m3t4l can most likely be "bree bree" condingly known for pig squealing sounds, in bands like job for a cowboy,as blood runs black,big puppy high five or other bands who think there "m3t4l" well no you or your band arnt m3t4l. your just scene grindcore wannabes.

m3u meaning

Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer 3 Uniform Resource Locator, or MP3 URL m3u is a computer file format that stores multimedia playlists. It was originally implemented in Winamp, although it is now supported by many applications, including VLC media player, XMMS, foobar2000, JuK, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, iTunes, QuickTime Player, Yahoo! Music Engine, JetAudio, RokuLabs SoundBridge, Spider Player, and PlayStation Portable.

m4 meaning

The U.S. Armys standard carbine, fires 5.56mm NATO round, shares 75-80% of the parts used in the M-16. For some reason ten year olds think they are qualifyed to operate and clean one because they use it in video games, and they read the wikipedia page on it.

M40A1 meaning

A long range sniper rifle that is preferred by the Navy Seals. It can often be mistaken for a .30-6, though the two weapons are radically different.

m40a3 meaning

In Call Of Duty 4 Possibly the most beast sniper weapon made know to mankind when in the hands of a skilled marksman. The m40a3 bolt action sniper rifle fires a 7.62 × 51 mm NATO round capable of destroying up to 6 terrorists if in a straight line.