meaning and definitionNAA
mean? Here you find 7
meanings of NAA
The NAA is an anagram representing the "No Affiliation Association", an organization of unlike minded and extremely loosely affiliated individuals founded on January 10, 2010.The hierarchy of the club is ever changing as their are no rules for entry and anyone may choose any position they like, with the understanding that titles mean absolutely nothing.
No Ass Assiciation. People (usually girls) who have no asses (completely flat on the ass area) and join to rebel against those with asses. A group of people without asses.
North American Arms, manufacturer of tiny, palm-sized .22 single-action revolvers and most recently auto-loading pistols in .32 and .380. High quality, stainless steel and pocket-size.
Secret undercover word to talk about tits with your boys when a girl is around
naa means : Nothing At All we use it :
No Assholes Allowed --- an unwritten rule about potential hires in some organizations, typically smaller outfits where everyone has to get along.(Notably is NOT the rule at many law and finance firms, where being an asshole is considered essential.)
If you can't be bothered to answer or you think it is effort to, then just put, Naa, or you could just be normal and answer! Anyway my YouTube channel is amazing! SoCaLLeD GaMeR
A female with a flat ass. No ass At All N Triple A
This is a much stronger and more elaborate use of the word no or na, it is usually used when angry and a loss of words comes to mind, this signifies no and rage, and a sign of short patience all in one
The noise a retard makes when he falls over.
another meaning for the word "no" but more laid back.
Used in instances of great displeasure or disagreement between two parties.
The ultimate solution for denying that the problem even exists.
I bet you two horse hooves you got half way through the word and realized it's the opening theme song for The Lion King
A rejection of something in a careless form, as if to call it silly or ridic.
The sound that either a gnome cowering in fright makes, or else the sound of complaint as heard on a cloudy night.
scally version of the word no.