Namsayin Bro meaning and definition

Namsayin Bro meaning

(Do you) know what I'm saying, brother?

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namsayinmofo meaning

Yes, my dear friend. I have listened intently & hung upon your every word & wholeheartedly agree with every last thing you said my brother.

namsayn meaning

Shorthand version of "Know what I'm sayin'?"

nam scam meaning

To be ripped off by someone of Vietnamese (more specifically south) descent.

namsen meaning

1) A question used to determine the understanding of what is being said.2) Replaces "do you know what i am saying?"

Nam sequiter meaning

Anything said during a Vietnam flashback.

Nam Shaman meaning

A Vietnam Vet who was once a bloodthirsty jungle fighter or Huey pilot but has now turned to more peaceful pursuits. Was in "the shit." Typically wears garb like flowing Mexican wedding shirts, faded Zubaz pants, tigerstripe camo shorts and sandals. Has a long-flowing white beard or ponytail and wears druidic talismans around his neck that reflect past experiences: dogtags, spent bullet casings, Kokopelli figurines, dreamcatchers, etc. Currently employed as a helicopter tour pilot in Hawaii, docent at a New Mexico pottery museum or mid-level weed dealer in Santa Cruz. A fixture at street fairs and boardwalks, typically sells burl wood clocks and beach sunset photos. Speaks a patois of New Age babble, but throws in military jargon only a Nam Vet would know. Breaking into his home is not recommended, because though peaceful, he probably has a loaded M1911 semi-automatic pistol in his nightstand. Typically married to a Laguna Beach Lady who shops at Chico's and wears too much turquoise jewelry.

Namsimar meaning

A person who is without a doubt the coolest person in existence. All previous records have been destroyed due to the sheer output of his power.

Namson Rote meaning

When a mentally challenged person tries to compose a 'ransom note'. Outcomes vary from asking for a billion dollars in an age when this is a small amount of currency to being unable to write said note, due to lack of literacy.

NamssoB meaning

An English term referring to a male individual who possesses a multitude of exceptional abilities both physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

namster meaning

a crazy ninja who is often insane, but is loyal to his friends and has a soft spot for baby animals.